Autor(en)Kranawetleitner, Tanja / Krebs, Heike / Kuhn, Nina / Loew, Robert
TitelThe Future of Education – Lessons learned from CERC Workshop »Future of Education« and an Online Course on »Digital Basics«
InAfli, Haithem / Bleimann, Udo / Burkhardt, Dirk / Loew, Robert / Wang, Haiying / Zheng, Huiru (Jane) :
Proceedings of the 8th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2021)
PublisherCork, Ireland : CERC – publishing in progress
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bibTex :

	author={Kranawetleitner, Tanja and Krebs, Heike and Kuhn, Nina and Loew, Robert},
	title={The Future of Education – Lessons learned from CERC Workshop »Future of Education« and an Online Course on »Digital Basics«},
	booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC 2021)},
	editor={Afli, Haithem and Bleimann, Udo and Burkhardt, Dirk and Loew, Robert and Wang, Haiying and Zheng, Huiru (Jane)},
	publisher={CERC – publishing in progress},
	address={Cork, Ireland},